Sunday, May 17, 2020

Genre Analysis and Special Way of Using Language Essay

Genre analysis is an attempt to explain why members of specific discourse communities employ different and special ways of using language. Sociocultural aspects of language and existing differences among the contexts in which a language is used may, to some extent, answer this question. In addition, cognitive strategies applied by the speakers or writers may also play a role since the members of each language community use different strategies to achieve their desired goals (Bhatia, 1996). According to a definition given by Martin (1985), genres are how things get done, when language is used to accomplish them. As implicitly found in this definition, any genre analysis must be a detailed description of linguistic elementsof a specific†¦show more content†¦Negative politeness, on the other hand, is shown when a person wants to avoid intrusion, defer to someone by giving a superior form of address such as sir, apologize for something wrong she has done. Having the definition of politeness and the intended purpose of the study, the first thing to be done is to examine the particular organization of the text, the use of a particular vocabulary and the use of particular grammatical structure.That is to say that the whole linguistic materials employed in this context, which altogether make the rhetorical strategies of the context to fulfill the purpose of politeness, should also be thoroughly examined. The second thing to be investigated is to analyze the relationship between the sender of the message and its receiver. Here in the current context, the lawyer or her client (either of the accuser or the accused) is the sender of the message and the judge (or the jury) is the receiver. The kind of relationship between these individuals should also be defined. Politeness is expected to be observed from inferiors to superiors and here the receiver of the message has the authority and power to decide on behalf of the receiver. Therefore, it can be expected here that the linguistic materials used by the lawyers and her clients in the court reflect courtesy. Regarding the situational context, it is observed that sender tries to influence the receiver about the decisions being made later. OnShow MoreRelatedMedia Text Analysis Essays1168 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay is about to analyse certain media text by using particular semiotic codes. The semiology study in particular is based on theory developed by Saussure and Pierce and means study of the signs in the text. According to Saussure the ‘language is a system of signs that express ideas’ (Saussure 1915/1966 cited in Berger, 2012:7). When media analysis is made it is about to show the relationship between the signs in certain text. Pierce states that everything we do can be seen as sign. AccordingRead MoreJohn D. Arthurs s Preaching With Variety 822 Words   |  4 PagesVariety of Preaching by Jeffrey D. 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