Sunday, April 19, 2020

What Is Speech, Language and Communication free essay sample

Explain each of the terms speech, language, communication, speech, language and communication needs. NYMPH (1 . 1) Communication A way of sending signal/information to other people. Includes body language, facial expressions, gesture and language Communication involves: Sending information (Verbally o non verbally) Receiving Information Interpretation Understanding information Communication refers to how we interact with others: ; Language Is used to represent concepts and thoughts ; Using language In different ways; to question, clarify, describe etc. Non-verbal rules of communication; good listening, looking at people Language Structured communication with a set of symbols that are spoken written or signed. Language refers to speaking and understanding language: ; Using words to build up sentences, sentences to build up conversations and longer stretches of spoken language ; understanding and making sense of what people say. Speech Vocalizes language Speech refers to: ; Saying sounds accurately and in the right places in words ; The sounds people use to communicate words ; Speaking fluently, without hesitating, or prolonging or repeating words or sounds ; Speaking with expression with a clear voice, using pitch, volume and Intonation to purport meaning. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Speech, Language and Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Speech, language and communication needs Children with speech, language and communication needs (SELL) find It difficult to communicate with others.Some children find it hard to understand what is said to them, form words and construct sentences, find the right words to express thoughts and feelings, and understand rules for social interaction and conversation. SELL can have a lasting effect on childrens lives. Studies of children with SELL have shown that children whose language difficulties are unresolved by the time they start school are more likely to have later academic, social and emotional difficulties associated tit their language difficulty.What Is Speech, Language and By utilizations Receiving information ; Language is used to represent concepts and thoughts ; Using language in different ways; to question, clarify, describe etc. ; Non-verbal ; Using words to build up sentences, sentences to build up conversations and longer stretches of spoken language.

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