Thursday, February 27, 2020

Lab5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lab5 - Essay Example The coal is received in chunk form and is then crushed into powder and blown into a burner where it combusts and produces heat of about 1000 degrees. The heat made is used to heat water into steam. The steam is then used to revolve the blades of a turbine. The turning motion then generates electricity by releasing electrons into a circuit ( The smoke seen is coming from the plant is actually the gases of combustion e.g. carbon dioxide. According to (Edward & Grossman, 18) the two major concerns of burning coal includes pollution caused by emissions of contaminants like sulfur dioxide nitrogen oxides and mercury. To control this kind of gas pollution, the plant uses electrostatic precipitators that have electrically charged plates and wires. These are used to attract airborne contaminates as the hot air passes through it thus controlling pollution of the atmosphere ( The cost of electricity usually depends on the number of people living in a house. My bill shows that we pay $1.50 per day for electricity. This cost can be reduced by turning off the lights when, not in use, also using energy saving light bulbs and electronics that are in good working condition in the house. The Lansing Board is a plant that supplies drinking water, fire protection and electricity to the citizens of Lansing. The board is a municipally owned utility, and it is different since it is a public utility and the customers own the system. The citizens of Lansing own the plant since they are the plant’s customers. The plant does not make any profit a quality that also makes it different from other power producing plants ( To conserve water, I would fix leaking faucets and use a cup when brushing teeth. A lot of water usually goes to waste when brushing since we leave the water running the whole time. Using a cup saves water that could otherwise be

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Martin Luther Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Martin Luther - Essay Example Historians agree that he drew his inspiration from the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and from his Christian faith as well. Based on the principles of non-violence, he was the leader of nonviolent movement in the late 1950’s and 1960’s. As a result of his determination, he contributed immensely towards realization of equality in the United States particularly among the Africa- Americans (The King Center para 2). Martin Luther was born in January 15, 1929 and attended segregated public schools in Georgia. He was born in a Christian family; his father served as a pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and his mother was a co-pastor at the same church. After high school, he attended Morehouse Georgia where he graduated with B.A degree in 1948. He then attended Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and later on won fellowship at Crozer which enabled him to enrol in graduate doctorate in 1953 at Boston University where he received a degree in 1955. While in Boston, he met Coretta Scott whom he married and they bore two sons and two daughters together (The Nobel Prize Organization para 1). He served as the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama from 1954. During his time as the pastor, he was a strong civil rights worker of his race. This was evidenced by the fact that he served as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people executive committee m ember The Nobel Prize Organization para 2). Martin Luther was elected as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) president in 1957; SCLC was an organization that had been formed to provide leadership necessary for burgeoning civil rights movements (The Nobel Prize Organization para 3). In a span of eleven years (1957-1968), he travelled over six million miles and made over 2500 addresses regarding civil rights, injustice and need for action. In addition, he wrote five books and numerous articles aimed at addressing racial